Wee Proclaim


Baptism Candle: Receive the Light of Christ

What is the meaning of the baptism candle?

What is the significance of the Baptism Candle?It’s a symbol of a new life that has just been given by Christ, the “Light of the World,” a light not to be blown out, ever; a light not hidden under a bushel basket or in a box under the stairs...

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Helping Kids Prepare for Lent with Forgiveness

Ways to prepare children for Lent - Catholic Christian blog

Every year, for the Jewish fast of Yom Kippur, my father‘s family fasts from sundown to sundown. As part of the fast, they ask one another for forgiveness--and grant forgiveness--for any wrongs done that year. My father takes part out of solidarity and love for his family, although he is Catholic, because asking and granting forgiveness is always relevant....

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Thankfulness--When Thankfulness Is Hard

She told me that she was writing down 3 things that she was thankful for each day; 3 ways in which God had expressed His love for her. This made an impression on me, because, to my naive college mind, it seemed odd that anyone might find it difficult to be thankful. Later on in life, when I encountered more of life’s troubles, I learned first hand the effort it can take to be thankful. It’s hard to accept Christ’s love for us most especially when times are hard.

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