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4 Lenten Letter-Writing Activities for Kids

5 Letter-Writing Activities for Kids during Lent

How is Lent going for your kids? Do they even know it’s Lent? Do they now hate Lent? Are they growing in their Lenten journey? Re-invigorate your kids' Lent with one of these 4 easy, free writing activities. All you need: a child of writing age, a printer and some markers!

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Thankfulness--When Thankfulness Is Hard

She told me that she was writing down 3 things that she was thankful for each day; 3 ways in which God had expressed His love for her. This made an impression on me, because, to my naive college mind, it seemed odd that anyone might find it difficult to be thankful. Later on in life, when I encountered more of life’s troubles, I learned first hand the effort it can take to be thankful. It’s hard to accept Christ’s love for us most especially when times are hard.

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